
How To Clean Glass Top Stove With Razor Blade

Asked by: Attia Safi
asked in category: General Last Updated: 5th May, 2020

Can I use a razor blade on a glass cooktop?

You can use a razor to clean your glass-top stove -- just be really, really careful. Holding the razor blade at an angle, use some muscle to scrape off any burned-on foodstuffs. Do not use the corner of the scraper or razor blade, as it can scratch the glass top.

The Glass Association of North America, which represents the manufacturers, will tell you that it is never acceptable to use a razor blade on glass; it will damage it. Window cleaners have been using razor blades for decades when cleaning glass, particularly in post-construction, when they remove paint or glue residue.

Similarly, will a knife scratch glass? Hard - cannot be scratched by a knife but can scratch glass, Mohs' 6-9; A relative hardness value of 6.5 means that the mineral could scratch orthoclase (feldspar) but not quartz.

Similarly, what is a cooktop scraper?

The Cerama Bryte Cooktop Scraper is designed to provide the perfect angle for effective cooktop cleaning and allows for the removal of large, crusty areas of spilled food and stains. Use on burnt-on areas before cleaning with a Cleaning Pad and Cooktop Cleaner.

Can a Stanley blade scratch glass?

A common and costly mistake we see is window glass scratched from razor blade use while removing decals, tape and paint. Window glass MUST be lubricated BEFORE using a razor. It is also important to note that razor blades cannot be used on treated glass surfaces such as tinted or mirrored window glass.

31 Related Question Answers Found

How do you scrape glass without scratching it?

Only ever scrape forwards to avoid scratching the surface. Only ever scrape wet glass. Hold your washer in your other hand so you can wet the glass when needed. If you have doubts whether the surface can be scraped or not, do a test run first on an inconspicuous area.

Can you scratch glass with metal?

Things That Scratch Glass Anything harder than glass can scratch it. Hardened steel, such as a file, can scratch glass. Titanium, chromium and even sapphires or rubies can scratch glass, while aluminum or a butter knife blade may not.

How do you get scratches out of glass windows?

First, clean the glass well and dry it using a lint-free cloth. Apply a dollop of toothpaste to a soft cloth and rub it into the scratch using a circular motion. After buffing for 30-40 seconds, wipe the toothpaste off with a damp cloth.

Can I use a magic eraser on my glass top stove?

Clean any remaining areas with a glass stovetop cleaner or the Magic Eraser. Both are effective in removing the cooked on stains that are more difficult to remove. To remove any streaks, a glass cleaner or wipe can be used to make the surface shine.

What is the best cleaner for glass top stoves?

Wipe Down With Vinegar With all burners cool, spray the surface of your glass top with white vinegar and wipe with a damp cloth to remove any surface debris and degrease the surface. Any surface cleaner will get the job done here, but vinegar is inexpensive and is always on hand.

How do you clean burnt glass?

Steps to Remove the Burnt Stains: Moisten the sponge or soft cloth with water. Pour a couple teaspoons of baking soda onto the cloth or directly into the glass cookware. Scrub the burnt areas with the baking soda and soft cloth until they are removed. If the stains remain, rinse with water.

How do you remove stubborn stains from a glass top stove?

Use Baking Soda and Vinegar Spritz distilled vinegar over the stove top surface and then cover the surface with baking soda. Dampen a large towel in warm water, wring out the extra water and lay it over the stove top. Wait at least 15 minutes. Wipe off the residue with a clean, soft cloth.

Can you use Windex on a glass stove top?

Glass cleaner Glass cleaners, like Windex, are a no-no. The ammonia in the glass cleaner is too strong for cleaning a stove top and can lead to damage. A better alternative is white vinegar. Here's the best way to clean your stovetop without damaging it.

How To Clean Glass Top Stove With Razor Blade


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